Prayers requested for Nicaragua amid pandemic

ILSN Mission Centre: Luther rose made by Resurrection, St. Catharines. Photo by Dr. Thomas Winger.

by Olga Groh

NICARAGUA – The pastors and deaconesses have informed us of the exponential increase in potential cases of COVID-19, occurring over the past few weeks in Nicaragua. Though the official government numbers in Nicaragua show a low number of cases – with 7 recovered cases and 8 deaths as of May 20, 2020 – recent conversations with our brothers and sisters suggest that there may be many more infected at this time, not yet verified by testing.

It is for this reason that I humbly covet the prayers of us all at this time. Let us pray:

For those who are ill from different illnesses; for those who may already be infected or who are at risk of infection from COVID-19 in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras, especially for our brothers and sisters among the Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) membership, church workers and front-line volunteers.

For those in the churches and local communities who are anxious; those who have lost jobs; those who can’t bring food to the table; and for those who struggle to find their daily bread.

Knowing the many factors that make social distancing and proper sanitization nearly behind the bounds of possibility in Nicaragua, let us pray for the individuals, families, businesses and all care facilities: That they may be able to obtain all necessary personal protective equipment and supplies; that they be willing and quick to learn and implement all precautionary measures to lower personal risk and possible escalation of infections.

Let us also pray for the medical personnel and support workers, that they may be blessed with strong health and sharp minds to help according to the best practices known at this time.

As unaccustomed constrains increase the possibilities of social unrest and domestic violence, let us pray that the peace of the Lord will reign sovereign over human emotion in each and every place of meeting, congregation and household.

For the ILSN Feeding programs in Matagalpa, Jinotega and Ranchería, we are thankful that the deaconesses and volunteers are able to continue distributing pre-packaged food items to the houses of the most impoverished children and families in their communities on a weekly basis. Be it our prayer that those who give and those who receive be kept safe at all times as they buy, handle, prepare, deliver and receive these goods. May children and families be blessed by the assurance that this physical bread they receive is provision from the loving heart of our heavenly Father Himself through the loving hands of those who donate, buy, prepare, and deliver it to them.

Let us also pray for the servants of ILSN and LCC’s mission in Chinandega and its staff. Lord, we thank you for the many years that you faithfully have blessed our brothers and sisters in the ILSN at large and those that serve at the Mission Centre’s office in Chinandega, as they have committed themselves to serve together and assist the congregations and missions of the ILSN in the name and by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord.

According to Your will, Lord, help the ILSN pastors and deaconesses and the Mission Centre’s workers to be bold witnesses of your love and mercy among your people, especially in these testing times. Protect them from all danger; grant them wisdom in their decisions and discernment as they protect themselves and others, leading by example. Assist them as they seek to follow your directions and conduct the work of Your church according to Your will and as You have taught us in Your Word of grace, mercy, and love.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you – Jeremiah 29:12

…the LORD is our light and our salvation—whom shall we fear? The LORD is the stronghold of our life—of whom shall we be afraid? – Psalm 27:1


Deaconess Olga Groh is Lutheran Church–Canada’s Diaconal Coordinator for Central America.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 25, 2020
Posted In: Headline, Mission News,