Regional Mission Supervisor and Deaconess for Central America installed

Rev. Edmund and Deaconess Cherie Auger face the congregation following their installation.
by Leonardo Neitzel
NICARAGUA – On October 26, 2014 Rev. Edmund and Deaconess Cherie Auger were installed as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) regional Mission and Diaconal supervisors for Central America at a special service at the Mission Centre in Chinandega, Nicaragua.
The installation was officiated over by the presidents of Lutheran Church–Canada and Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN), Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee and Rev. Marvin Antonio Donario Picado. The Augers themselves are members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Also present were all of Nicaragua’s Lutheran church workers and vicars, representatives from all congregations, special guests from Lutheran Hour Ministries USA and Christ for All Nations (Nicaragua’s Lutheran Hour), and LCC’s Mission Executive, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel.

President Bugbee leads the procession into the installation service.
The job details of Rev. and Deacon Auger are formulated in a protocol agreement signed earlier this year between LCC, the ILSN, and the LCMS. They will build on the work of Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan, President Emeritus of LCC, who has long served as Mission Overseer in the region in a voluntary role. The Augers will focus on the oversight and development of LCC’s mission, education, social, and diaconal ministries, as well as on additional projects and programs under the purview of LCC’s Committee for Missions and Social Ministry Services. This work is all done in consultation and collaboration with the ILSN.
“The Augers have been warmly received and welcomed into the mission field by the church and mission,” said Dr. Neitzel. “The people give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ for bringing the Augers to serve in this full-time ministry.”
The installation took place in the spirit of the Reformation, with lessons and hymns focused on this theme. President Bugbee delivered a message on Acts 12:24—“But the Word of God increased and multiplied.” President Donaire’s message focused on the unity of the Holy Trinity, the church as the Una Sancta (“one holy” Church), and thanking God for the unity of the ILSN, LCC, and LCMS working together in mission for Central America.
“The Lord of the Church continues to open doors for the proclamation of the Gospel in Central America,” Dr. Neitzel said. “The ILSN, LCMS, and LCC are aware of this, and by God’s grace want to join efforts that the Gospel would be proclaimed together through each congregation, church worker, and individual member. We know there are many challenges and difficulties in this work but we rely on God’s grace to bring it to fruition.”
Following in the steps of Martin Luther, our churches are bold to continue confessing Christ alone, Grace alone, Scripture alone, and Faith alone.
“Following in the steps of Martin Luther, our churches are bold to continue confessing Christ alone, Grace alone, Scripture alone, and Faith alone,” he continued. “We are bold to confess, sing and repeat Luther’s hymn as our march of faith under the shadow of the cross of Jesus and in confidence:
With might of ours can naught be done,
Soon were our loss effected;
But for us fights the Valiant One,
Whom God Himself elected.
Ask ye, Who is this? Jesus Christ it is.
Of Sabaoth Lord, and there’s none other God;
He holds the field forever.” (LSB 656)
Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel is Lutheran Church–Canada’s Executive for Missions and Social Ministry.