Rev. Mark Koehler retires

Rev. Mark and Barb Koehler greeting the congregation following his retirement service (Photo by Gloria Nielsen)
HAMILTON, Ont. – After more than 39 years in the ministry, Rev. Mark Koehler retired from full-time parish ministry on February 26, 2023.
“Pastor Mark” was born in New Westminster, B.C., son of Rev. Wilbur and the late Marilyn Koehler. They moved to Ontario when his father accepted a call to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burlington. He graduated from Concordia College in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1979, and then attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. There he met his wife, Barbara, and they were married in 1981. He graduated and was ordained on August 7, 1983. Barb graduated as a registered nurse from the Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing, St. Louis.
Rev. Koehler’s first call was in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as evangelistic missionary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana among the Wassa Fiase people (1984-1989). He returned to Canada as a missionary-at-large in Collingwood, Ontario (1989-1995), then accepted a call to be pastor of the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Montreal, Quebec (1996-2001). Later he accepted a call to First St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Hanover, Ontario (2001-2012). While in Hanover, he was involved in a radio ministry program, “Take God’s Word for It,” and was an on-call chaplain for a local hospital. In 2012, Rev. Koehler accepted a call to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Hamilton, Ontario and was installed on September 9. Pilgrim’s first pastor was his uncle, the late Rev. Edward Koehler.
While serving as a full-time parish pastor, he also served on the Luther Bible Translators board, as a circuit counsellor, and for many years as Pastoral Counsellor for the Ontario District of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada. He recently served as vacancy pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fisherville for almost three years. At Pilgrim, Rev. Koehler has been an integral part of the Sudanese mission and ministry with Rev. Peter Gatluak.

Rev. Mark Koehler preaching his last sermon at Pilgrim on February 26
(Photo by Greg Poehlman)
During his final service, a hymn and the Kyrie were sung in Nuer, and a Sudanese elder read one of the lessons in Nuer. Afterward, a potluck lunch was held for family, congregational members, and guests in celebration of his retirement. Following the delicious meal, various people shared greetings and memories, including Rev. Eric Betsch, who attended college with Rev. Koehler.
Rev. Koehler’s two sisters from Wisconsin were present, but, unfortunately, his father was hospitalized and unable to attend. The Koehler’s children, Ann Marie, Sarah, Michael, Natalie and her husband Josiah, and Matthew were all in attendance. Barb recently retired from her position at a nearby nursing home, and together they hope to enjoy some well-earned time for camping, maybe fishing, and welcoming their first grandchild in May.
Pilgrim’s congregation is extremely thankful and praise God for Rev. Koehler’s pastoral ministry during the last ten years he has served them and pray for God’s blessings as he begins his retirement.
Diane Ebert