Rev. Roggow installed in Kitchener

Front Row: Rev. Roggow (Associate Pastor), Rev. Lloyd Wentzlaff (Emeritus), Rev. Nolan Astley (Senior Pastor), Rev. Marvin Bublitz (East Regional Pastor); Second Row: Rev. Joe Das, Rev. Wm. Chuol, Rev. Robert Krestick, Rev. John Rapp, Rev. Gerald Roggow, Rev. Paul Schallhorn, Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee, Rev. Kevin Walrath, Rev. William Kramer; Back Row: Rev. Paul Zabel, Rev. Aaron Astley, Rev. Joel Kuhl, Rev. David Fleming, Rev. Robert Morley, Rev. Dr. James Keller, Rev. Derek Mathers, Rev. Robin Korsch, Rev. Konstantin Hahn, Rev. Dr. Dieter Kays, Rev. Warren Hamp, Rev. Richard Frey, Rev. Allan Scharlack, Rev. Raymond Kirk, Rev. Davi Schmidt, Rev. Gary Weber

Pastors of Holy Cross (past and present): Rev. Paul Roggow (Associate Pastor), Rev. William Chuol (Nuer Language Pastor), Rev. Lloyd Wentzlaff (Emeritus), Rev. Nolan Astley (Senior Pastor), and Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee (former Senior Pastor)
KITCHENER, Ont. – “Can we nominate someone?” In the process of calling a new Associate Pastor after the retirement of Rev. Roland Syens in 2020, youth from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kitchener approached Dcn. Lenora Simpson with a suggested name: Rev. Paul Roggow, a pastor they had met during the 2022 National Youth Gathering (NYG) in Winnipeg.
“Can we nominate someone?”
After review by the Nomination Committee, youth were invited to speak to the Voters’ Assembly about the suggested pastor, along with an adult NYG chaperone, who added, “Pastor Roggow was great with us older youth too.”

Rev. Roggow and youth: Isaiah Bridgemohan, Rev. Roggow, Justus Schafer, and Max Wentzlaff
Holy Cross is grateful the Lord moved Rev. Roggow to accept the call extended to him by the Voters’ Assembly and rejoiced together with the Roggow family during the installation service held on Sunday, March 19, 2023.
The Pastor-Elect’s father, Rev. Gerald Roggow, Rev. Dr. Dieter Kays, and Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee shared selected scripture readings with the congregation while Rev. Nolan Astley, Senior Pastor of Holy Cross, served as Officiant, and East Regional Pastor Rev. Marvin Bublitz presided.
In an inspiring message, Rev. David Fleming, Executive Director for Spiritual Care at Doxology, spoke on the joys of the pastoral ministry based on John 15:1-11, “That Your Joy May be Full.” The bulletin artwork by Edward Riojas underlined the relationship between the Shepherd (Jesus), and—for the purposes of his illustration—His sheepdog (the pastor).
Rev. Paul Roggow is joined at Holy Cross by his wife, Jackie, and children Micah, Evan, Abi, Lucia, and Kai. Rev. Roggow received his M.Div. from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 2006, and a bachelor’s degree in Vocal Music and Human Psychology from Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. He has shared music and God’s Word through Lutheran Youth Encounter in the United States and Europe; served at LCMS congregations in Cabot and Beebe, Arkansas, and as Missionary-at-Large in Denver, Colorado and Vancouver, B.C.; and most recently as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Duncan, B.C.
The members of Holy Cross thank their youth for demonstrating that you are never too young to participate in the life of the church.
Sylvia Das

Pastors of Holy Cross (past and present): Rev. Paul Roggow (Associate Pastor), Rev. William Chuol (Nuer Language Pastor), Rev. Lloyd Wentzlaff (Emeritus), Rev. Nolan Astley (Senior Pastor), and Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee (former Senior Pastor)