Saskatchewan church worker conference

WATROUS, Sask. – Saskatchewan church workers met from September 16-18, 2024. The conference was organized by the Northlands circuit, with circuit pastors leading the opening communion worship service as well as morning and evening devotions. Participating pastors included: Rev. John Blum (La Ronge), Rev. Chris Mclean (Nipawin, Melfort, Hudson Bay, Mistatim), Rev. Jakob Valsson (Middle Lake), and Rev. Clint Magnus (Humboldt). Regional Pastor Rev. David Haberstock preached the opening sermon and gave synodical and regional updates during the day on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

The speaker for the conference was Dr. Iain Provan, an Old Testament scholar and professor of Biblical studies at Regent College in Vancouver. He conducted four sessions that addressed current issues like gender issues, medically assisted suicide, and many other things that churches face in the world today. He laid the groundwork for how society got to this place, how to deal with these things in congregations, and what the role of the church should be going forward. He was well-received and provided valuable tools and insights as church workers proclaim the Gospel to an ever-changing world. 

Watrous’ Little Manitou Lake is known as the Dead Sea of the prairies, and so the group was able to have some great fellowship taking in the waters during free time, as well as over the wonderful catered meals provided by the resort. Overall, it was a refreshing time of fellowship, bonding, learning, and bringing glory to God together as church workers.  

Rev. Clint Magnus 


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: March 3, 2025
Posted In: Central Region News, Headline,