Second virtual youth ministry round table


ONLINE – On Saturday, October 16, 2021, LCC youth leaders from BC to Quebec gathered on Zoom to discuss “Navigating ‘Normal’ Now”, hosted by the National Youth Gathering committee. The discussion was led by Cassie Moore, a Director of Christian Education who serves at St. Mark Lutheran Church and School in Houston, Texas.

The discussion focused on the struggles many youth (and leaders) have experienced over the past year and a half of the pandemic, especially in regards to anxiety and isolation, and the group talked about ways to address those issues.

Cassie finished her presentation with a discussion of five things that young people need to hear from the adults around them:

  • That they can be at peace in God’s hands;
  • That the world is in God’s hands; that life will never be perfect, but Jesus is perfect so we don’t have to be and we can lean on him;
  • That God has given them a community of people to support them; and
  • That they can have hope in God’s plan, even when it seems hard.

The session wrapped up with a reminder of Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,” an encouraging verse for youth and leaders, and the session was followed by a time to share prayer requests in the breakout groups.

The NYG committee is thankful for Cassie sharing her time with the group, and looks forward to her breakout sessions for youth and leaders at the 2022 NYG in Winnipeg. The round tables are free and offered as a way to support LCC’s youth ministry community between gatherings, and the NYG committee is planning another Zoom event on January 15, 2022, featuring a study and discussion on mental health led by West Regional Pastor Rev. Robert Mohns. Follow the NYG’s social media or subscribe to LCC’s weekly InfoDigest e-newsletter for more info.

Submitted by the NYG committee


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: November 11, 2021
Posted In: Headline, National News,