Seminarian’s reflections from the road through LCC’s Ottawa Circuit

Grace (Locksley) Lutheran Church (Pembroke, ON)
CANADA – Before entering into his second year as a seminary student of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario, Albert Ho had the opportunity to travel through Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s Ottawa Circuit, visiting with various pastors, missionaries, and laity along the way. Along with David Friesen, LCC Director of Advancement, and Alex Steinke, LCC Director of Communications, Albert made the trip through Ottawa and into Quebec.
“Most of us Lutherans might not encounter very many congregations in our lifetime apart from our home congregation or where we might have attended if we moved away for university,” Albert said. “As seminarians, this ‘bubble’ of sorts is expanded as we are assigned a congregation for field work, interact with the seminary community, and eventually go on vicarage.”
In total, the group visited 10 LCC churches, meeting with many pastors and laity; and had the opportunity to speak with and learn from several of LCC’s French missionaries and pastors, including Rev. Dr. David Somers, Rev. Walta Clercius, Rev. Frank Morgret, and Rev. Razafy Razafindrakoto. They also got a chance to attend Divine Services entirely in French at two of LCC’s francophone congregations, including Église Luthérienne de la Réconciliation (Sherbrooke, QC) and Église Luthérienne de l’Ascension (Montreal, QC). Other stops along the way included: Zion (Augsburg) Lutheran Church (Eganville, ON); St. Luke Lutheran Church (Eganville, ON); Grace (Locksley) Lutheran Church (Pembroke, ON); Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (Gatineau, QC); St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Inlet, QC); Risen Christ Lutheran Church (Kanata, ON); St. Luke Lutheran Church (Ottawa, ON); Our Saviour Lutheran (Ottawa, ON).
When asked about the impact of the experiences on the trip, Albert shared:
“It was most edifying to travel around and meet with pastors in the Ottawa Circuit of LCC. I was able to hear the insights from many seasoned pastors in a short period of time, deepening my understanding of the shared mission of the churches in our synod and the work of both pastors and parishioners in the life of the church. I very much valued learning about the exciting work of our French ministries in Quebec, a province which has gradually grown close to my heart after having studied there four years. As I enter my second year of seminary, I am encouraged and inspired by the many lessons I have been blessed to learn from these faithful teachers and servants of the Word, with whom I am honoured to share the same confession of faith, and more importantly, the same Saviour and Lord.”