Seminarians Take Wing across western Canada

Linda Vermeulen, president of Redeemer Lutheran Church Lutheran Women’s Missionay League-Canada society, talks with seminarian Vince Moore. During his visit she presented him with a cheque for the seminary from the society.

Linda Vermeulen, president of Redeemer Lutheran Church Lutheran Women’s Missionay League-Canada society, talks with seminarian Vince Moore. During his visit she presented him with a chequefrom the society for the seminary.

Four second-year seminary students travelled from Edmonton this year to bring a little bit of seminary life to communities away from the campus of Concordia Lutheran Seminary. As part of the annual Take Wing program, Todd Guggenmos visited Walnut Grove Lutheran Church (Maple Ridge, B.C.); Vincent Moore, Redeemer, Victoria, B.C.; Mark Schultz, Good Shepherd, Regina; and Cody Cooper, briefly delayed in his trip, Crosse Point Mission in Calgary. Concordia Lutheran Seminary Guild sponsors the annual program.

No parish visit by a student is usual, and this year’s trips were no exception. Todd arrived in time to join his host at a funeral. They followed that up with home and church visits, a men’s breakfast, a visit to an addiction recovery facility, meetings with friends and church members, preaching and service assistance before returning home.

Mark’s trip to Regina was just as packed with visits and meetings. His introduction to the church was through the Friday evening youth group. He, too, continued with Saturday visits and meetings before helping with the Sunday service and sermon.

Cody participated in worship and meetings at the venue where the Crosse Point church plant meets in south Calgary.

As with the others, Vince assisted in Sunday morning preaching and worship. In addition to similar experiences, he enjoyed the added benefit of meeting with the local “winkel” —a meeting of circuit pastors who take time each month to share and support each other in their ministry.

Each seminarian returned to the seminary enthusiastically talking about parish life with an almost wistful anticipation for their next year in vicarage and being immersed in parish life as an ordained pastor. Each enjoyed the opportunity to talk about the seminary while they are still students. Whether during visits with billets, ministering at homes and institutions in the parishes or ministering in front of the assembled worshippers, they experienced first-hand what would become their roles as pastors.

Each participant benefits from the program

Take Wing began in 2000 with the strong initiative of the late Lil Goertz, then president of the CLS Seminary Guild. Since its beginning, 48 students have visited 61 congregations in five provinces. Funding comes from more than 1100 Guild members in churches across the country. Members pay a $10 membership fee, but many others provide financial and volunteer help to support projects that explicitly benefit seminary students.

The guild invites pastors and congregations to request a second-year student for a weekend visit to their parish. Each participant benefits from the program. The second-year students gain experience preaching and leading, for which they have received certification; pastors benefit from the brief help and the chance to work with a seminarian; congregations interact with a student in the midst of his training; and potential seminary candidates can talk face-to-face with current seminary student.

The guild covers the costs of transportation from Edmonton to the community and back. The congregation hosts the seminarian for the weekend with accommodation, meals, and any other hospitality they want to provide.

This year many more churches requested students than there were students available. If your congregation would like a Take Wing visitor next winter, send a note to the CLS Development Department making your interest known. Seminarians will be assigned in late November or early December and make their trips in late January or early February. Contact Daniel Deyell at

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: March 10, 2011
Posted In: Education News, Headline,