St. Matthew in Stony Plain celebrates 130th anniversary
STONY PLAIN, Alta. – Two major milestones were celebrated on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. The first was the anniversary of the Reformation of Martin Luther and the nailing of the 95 Theses to the front doors of the Wittenburg Church. The second was the 130th anniversary of the formation of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Stony Plain.
The dedication of St. Matthew took place November 5, 1894, and the Lord and Saviour has blessed the congregation with dedicated pastors and members for the last 130 years. After the service, the congregation met downstair in the Luther room for a time of fellowship, a scrumptious potluck dinner, and a delightful array of sweets.
The church’s forefathers felt it was important for the children of the congregation to have a Christian education, so on November 12, 1894, the school was officially opened. Today, SML Christian Academy has an enrollment of 220 students from kindergarten to grade nine, with a staff of eleven teachers, four educational assistants, an administrative assistant, and a principal. Approximately 25 percent of students are members of St. Matthew, fifty percent come from a variety of other Christian denominations, and the remaining 25 percent have no church affiliation. SML Christian Academy continues to be a mission field for the residents of Stony Plain and area.
The church is blessed with three dedicated pastors who lead Bible studies, confirmation studies, religious instruction at the school for grades seven, eight, and nine, visit shut-ins and hospitalized, and who lead the congregation in worship with two services on Sundays. There are also dedicated lay members and staff who work with the pastors to carry out the church’s mission statement. The congregation prays that the church will continue to grow in God’s Word as it has over the past 130 years.
Gord Schoepp, Vice-chairman