Study Biblical Hebrew online

Leningrad-codexONLINE – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) has announced it will be offering an Online Biblical Hebrew course beginning in September. This full year, distance, non-credit course will be led by Professor Jonathan Kraemer, and begins September 4. Students will work on their own and meet weekly via video-conference.

“Where you are a pre-seminary student needing your language requirement, a pastor brushing up, or an interested layperson, you are invited to join an upcoming non-credit Biblical Hebrew course at Concordia Lutheran Seminary,” reads promotional materials. “The course’s core content is provided by Dr. Gary Pratico and Dr. Miles Van Pelt, co-authors of the best-selling Basics of Biblical Hebrew curriculum. Their print materials (textbook and workbook) are accompanied by recorded lectures, available on DVD. Together, these resources present the bulk of the teaching of each week’s lesson.”

Professor Kraemer will serve as coordinator, tutor, and “live” resource person for the course, leading a live-session with students every week. In addition he will hold regular online “office hours” for individual or group assistance.

The course is intended to bring students to a level of competency in Biblical Hebrew that will prepare them for exegetical studies in the Master of Divinity degree program.

Contact the Registrar, Jeff Nachtigall, to register, or with any questions you might have.

Jeff Nachtigall
(780) 474-1468

For more information, visit Concordia Lutheran Seminary’s website here.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: August 16, 2013
Posted In: Education News, Headline,