Support flood relief in Southern Alberta

Residents of Medicine Hat prepare for flooding

Residents of Medicine Hat prepare for flooding.

Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is calling on its members to provide funds to assist victims of the flooding in Southern Alberta. Funds received will primarily be used to support local congregational programs that provide emergency services for those most in need. Funds will also be used to provide grants to local congregations as they initiate servant/witnessing events in the communities that have experienced significant flooding.

“As our brothers and sisters in Alberta begin to deal with the aftermath of flooding, it is important that we as a church body reach out in help,” said Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, LCC’s Executive for Missions and Social Ministry. “We recognize that our own goods come from God, and we are called to share those goods with those who are suffering—to demonstrate the love of Christ not only in word but also in deed.”

Donations may be made online here. Check “Support one of our featured funds today” and then select “Southern Alberta Flood Relief Appeal.”

Each contribution made for flood-relief in Southern Alberta will be used for that emergency, until requirements have been met or can no longer be completed for reasons determined by LCC. In such cases, remaining funds will be used in other LCC-supported emergency relief efforts.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: June 27, 2013
Posted In: Headline, National News, West Region News,