Synod offers website development services for LCC congregations

NATIONAL – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is now offering website development and hosting services for LCC congregations. This service is free and includes a customized domain under LCC’s Network of Sites. Congregations who have already purchased a domain for their congregational website can also choose to have their site linked to that domain.

The service was officially announced in the Communications Section of yesterday’s InfoDigest, LCC’s weekly e-newsletter. This service has been in the works for some time now, with several congregational websites already published online. LCC Communications Director, Alex Steinke, explains in the announcement that, “It has been a slow roll out to ensure this service could be effectively managed and sustained on a national level.” She further expressed that the communications department looks forward to working with congregations to support and equip LCC members in their communications initiatives.

A full breakdown of the service is available among the resources on LCC’s website under LCC’s Congregational Site Toolkit.

Congregations will work with the Communications Director to establish their initial site, incorporating select features according to the needs of their members. Features available include a customizable calendar, video gallery capabilities and the option to display written sermons for download. Members of the congregation will then participate in a training session to learn how to manage and update the content on their website.

Resources and detailed instructions will be available in the online “Site Toolkit” for reference, and Alex Steinke can be contacted to assist with any technical issues that might arise. It is recommended that more than one member attend the training session and get set up with a user profile. Previous WordPress experience can certainly help, but it is not required. You will be supported and equipped to confidently manage your website.

Congregations interested in signing up for this service are encouraged to read the “How does it work?” section on the page for LCC’s Congregational Site Toolkit for instructions.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: March 5, 2021
Posted In: Headline, National News,