All posts tagged Rev. David Haberstock
A Fast From Enthusiasm
by David Haberstock Are you worn out? Life is so taxing these days. Never enough hours in the day. Never enough energy to face the evils around us. And yet, you are supposed to be happy, successful, living your best life now. I just don’t…
Dead tradition
by David Haberstock “Tradition is the living faith of the dead, traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. And, I suppose I should add, it is traditionalism that gives tradition such a bad name.” – Jaroslav Pelikan, The Vindication of Tradition In the Disney…
Why Liturgy?
by David Haberstock Why do Lutherans do liturgy? To answer the question, we first have to define what we mean by the word “liturgy.” It’s usually used by Lutherans in two ways: first, to mean the way in which Lutherans worship (with an orderly set…
In Praise of Low-Tech Worship
by David Haberstock After the unpleasantness of 2020-2022, we are starting to feel almost back to normal. But what hasn’t left me is the banality of screens. Prior to the pandemic, I was already grappling with too much screen time and its impacts. But the…
Central Region Church Workers Conference
WINNIPEG – From May 29-31, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Central Region held its 2023 Pastors and Deacons Conference at the Holiday Inn Airport West in Winnipeg, just down the road from Synod’s office. Doxology: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel conducted this year’s conference…
Age & Fragility
by David Haberstock We all love to complain about aches and pains as we age, at least until the aches and pains are strong enough that we say with the author of Ecclesiastes that the days are such that “I have no pleasure in them”…