Tapestry adds missions editor

LWMLC_logoCANADA – By providing grants to a wide variety of projects, through the sharing information about the mission field and with the prayer of its members, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC), has always been a strong supporter of Lutheran Church-Canada missions. To further enhance that support, Tapestry—the magazine published by LWMLC for women of LCC—has added a new position: missions editor.

Anne Taylor of Ottawa will serve as missions editor, bringing not only information about the mission field to readers but also connecting with the women working in the churches in Nicaragua, Ukraine, Thailand and Cambodia, and giving them a voice through the magazine. Taylor previously served as Bible study editor. She will be replaced in that role by Laurie Schaeffer of Simcoe, Ontario, who returns to the editorial staff after a break of several years.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: May 5, 2014
Posted In: Headline, Mission News, National News,