The Blessings of Lutheran Day Schools in Nicaragua
by M.L. Smith
The Lutheran Church in Nicaragua is a vibrant testimony to the power of the Gospel and the Spirit’s work through faithful education. Central to this ministry are the 22 Lutheran Day Schools spread across the country, where children are instructed in both academic subjects and, more importantly, in the saving faith of Christ crucified and risen. These schools are not only centres of learning but also vital mission outposts, forming the next generation of Christians and strengthening the Church in its mission to share the Good News of our salvation in Christ Jesus.
At the heart of this fruitful ministry are the faithful deaconesses and maestras (teachers) who serve as the Church’s hands and voice in the classrooms. These women dedicate themselves not only to tutoring children in math, science, and language but also to nurturing the souls of the young Christians entrusted to their care. Daily catechesis, devotions, and prayer weave the faith into the rhythm of school life, ensuring that each child grows in their knowledge of God’s Word and promises. Many children, through the instruction they receive at these schools, are introduced to the faith for the first time, while others deepen their understanding of their baptismal identity and their role in Christ’s Church.
This vital work is supported and encouraged by Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), which has long partnered with the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN). Through financial support, prayer, and pastoral care and guidance, LCC helps sustain these schools as places where Christ is proclaimed and His love shared. The partnership between LCC and the ILSN is a shining example of how the global Body of Christ works together to accomplish the Great Commission, reaching into local communities with the truth of the Gospel.
Many go on to be active members of their congregations… Some even pursue service in the Church themselves… In this way, the Lutheran Day Schools not only impact the students who attend but also build up the Church in Nicaragua for generations to come.
The fruit of this collaboration is evident in the lives of the children who attend these schools. Many go on to be active members of their congregations, sharing the Gospel with their families and communities. Some even pursue service in the Church themselves, becoming pastors, deaconesses, or lay leaders. In this way, the Lutheran Day Schools not only impact the students who attend but also build up the Church in Nicaragua for generations to come.
Indeed, these schools are a profound blessing. They remind us of the Church’s call to teach the faith, following the command of our Lord to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). As Lutherans, we confess that faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ, and these schools ensure that the Word is planted in the hearts of children, where it can grow and bear fruit. We thank God for the faithful work of the deaconesses, teachers, and all who serve in this ministry, and we continue to pray for the ongoing support and partnership between the ILSN and LCC.
May God continue to bless the Lutheran Day Schools of Nicaragua as places of learning, faith, and hope. May He guide the hands and hearts of those who serve, and may His Gospel shine brightly through this work, bringing more souls to the joy and peace of salvation in Christ Jesus.
Rev. M.L. Smith is Director of International Missions for Lutheran Church–Canada.