Third picture book from Canadian Lutheran artist

CANADA – In May, Kloria Publishing released its third board book by Canadian Lutheran artist Harrison Avery Prozenko.

Prozenko’s new book—Depart in Peace—brings to life the “Nunc Dimittis” from the Lutheran liturgy. The illustrations follow the same style as Prozenko’s two other books from Kloria also based on the liturgy: Create in Me and The Sanctus.

In recent months, Kloria Publishing has released a number of other books in its popular line of children’s books based on beloved hymns, including a board book illustrating “Who Trusts in God a Strong Abode; a double-book featuring “Christ the Life of All the Living” and “Like the Golden Sun Ascending”; and a book on the Te Deum, among others.

Canadians can order Prozenko’s new book and other Kloria books from Kloria’s website at (free shipping to Canada on orders over $50 CAD). Kloria books are also available from the website of Concordia Publishing House at 


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 16, 2024
Posted In: East Region News, General, Headline,