Updated statement from Lutheran Church-Canada regarding the current situation in Nicaragua
Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) has been in regular contact with Lutheran Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) and the Christian Mission Association in Nicaragua (AMCN) regarding the ongoing instability in Nicaragua. On May 29th, ILSN and AMCN advised LCC that they no longer view it as safe to send mission teams and other representatives to Nicaragua, due to the escalating unrest and uncertainty.
LCC has responded by sending funds requested by the mission in the amount of $2,650 (USD) to assist with immediate needs for food. The funds were provided by the Nicaragua team from Redeemer Lutheran Church in Waterloo. Members of ILSN are safe and LCC will continue to monitor the situation and send more funds if requested through the mission centre.
LCC is working closely with and in cooperation with ILSN in this difficult time.
A travel advisory for Nicaragua issued by Global Affairs Canada remains in effect and continues to recommend that all non-essential travel be avoided because of the protests. Visit travel.gc.ca for updates on the advisory. The U.S. State Department’s travel advisory also remains in effect, urging visitors to reconsider travel plans “due to crime, civil unrest and limited healthcare availability.”

Nicaragua- Inter-American Development Bank
According to a report from the Reuters News Agency, Nicaragua’s Roman Catholic Bishops say that they will act as mediators in a new round of talks later this week in an effort to deescalate the situation. The talks will be between the government of Daniel Ortega and civil society groups. According to the report, at least 147 people have been killed in protests which began in mid-April after protests over changes to the country’s social security system escalated to violent clashes between government forces and protesters.
LCC President Timothy Teuscher continues to encourage all congregations to keep the people of Nicaragua in their prayers. “Our Missions Committee offers the following prayers for use in worship services across LCC over the next few weeks.”
Heavenly Father, God of all concord, it is Your will that harmony prevail in every land, in order that the daily bread You provide may be received in peace. Give Your wisdom to guide the leaders in the government, businesses, churches, and movements in the nation of Nicaragua, that violence and strife may be ended, life spared, and order be restored, only for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, the Wisdom from on High, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever. Amen.
God of grace and Lord of all power and might, You rule the nations through the authorities established by your gracious will. We earnestly pray for the government, the police forces, and the people of Nicaragua, that by the working of Your generous and strong hand, peace will be restored among them. Protect all who are in danger, direct those in power to serve the cause of justice and equity, grant honesty to prevail. Guide Your church, that in the midst of every uncertainty, she will boldly proclaim Your faithfulness and the forgiveness that heals all wounds in Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever. Amen.