Virtual VBS at Foothills Lutheran Church 


by Miriam Winstanley 

CALGARY, Alta. – Normally Foothills Lutheran runs two weeks of VBS, with many children coming who have attended the Preschool ministry of the congregation. In early January, the church staff put together an outline for this year’s program (this is the sixth year that the staff have written a program in-house) and began recruiting volunteers. Registration opened in early March, right around the time shut-downs began as a result of COVID-19.   

The commitment was made to keep planning as though VBS was going to happen, with early May as a decision point. By then it was clear that in-person VBS could not take place. Foothills had been livestreaming services, doing Confirmation and Bible studies on Zoom, and supporting Sunday school families with weekly resources and notes of encouragement, so rather than let this annual outreach effort fall by the wayside, Rev. Eric Moffett challenged the staff to consider delivering VBS online this year.  

As of July 13a total of 83 children were registered, including some from BC and Ontario, and links have been shared within the circuit and beyond.

The program was “God’s Promises for Me,” studying promises made to God’s people in the Old Testament and seeing how they are fulfilled in Christ. The staff felt that this year, in particular, children needed to be encouraged to see God’s promises for them, and how they have all been kept in Jesus, their Saviour.  

Rev. David Bode took charge of openings, including a theme song (for which he wrote the text), and other music.  



Three levels of lesson videos were filmed – one for preschool-kindergarten, taught by Mrs. Betty Ann Chandler; one for grades 1-2, taught by Deaconess Miriam Winstanley; and one for grades 3-5, taught by Rev. Eric Moffett. Each day’s lessons included an Old Testament promise paired with a New Testament application aimed at making the promise personal, so the children could see how Jesus came to keep it for them. Thank you to Hannah, who filmed and edited the videos. 

One comment that meant a lot to the staff is: “Wow… I am just so blown away by the HUGE amount of work, care, and love you put into making virtual VBS. To be honest, I was a little weepy when we started watching the videos this morning. All through the pandemic closures, we’ve tried to maintain composure at home to help the kids through each change, but somehow VBS is so hands-on that it tipped the balance for me. But you made it so beautiful!! I was just so very touched.” 

The crafts volunteers, Stacey and McKenna, designed crafts and filmed instructions for grades 1-2 and 3-5, and Mrs. Chandler produced the crafts for children in preschool-kindergarten. Families registered before June 15 were invited to pick up craft bags prepared and packed by volunteers, and those registered after June 15 received a supply list and instructions.  

All videos were uploaded onto YouTube and ready to go prior to the July 13 launch. A page for each day’s video links was sent to registered families and made available on the website. These pages included questions for discussion in the family, and a choice of three daily challenges for the children. Some children are sending in videos of them doing their challenge, a picture of their craft, or an email to tell the staff what they’ve done.  

Because all videos will be available through the summer, families have chosen to do a week of mornings, a week of afternoons, one VBS day per week, or to defer VBS until later this summer. They have been encouraged to do what works best for their family.   

As of July 13a total of 83 children were registered, including some from BC and Ontario, and links have been shared within the circuit and beyond. Foothills is grateful for the technology which has allowed this outreach effort to continue, for the support of LCC Communications (thanks Alex for the great banner heading!), and privileged to serve the Lord and the church in this way. 



One comment that meant a lot to the staff is: “Wow… I am just so blown away by the HUGE amount of work, care, and love you put into making virtual VBS. To be honest, I was a little weepy when we started watching the videos this morning. All through the pandemic closures, we’ve tried to maintain composure at home to help the kids through each change, but somehow VBS is so hands-on that it tipped the balance for me. But you made it so beautiful!! I was just so very touched.” 


Deaconess Miriam Winstanley has served as the Director of Parish Services at Foothills Lutheran Church in Calgary, Alberta, for the past ten years. Her focus is on children and family ministry, including Sunday school, confirmation, VBS, and Bible studies, and she also plays the organ, accompanies the choir, and helps with youth ministry.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: July 28, 2020
Posted In: Headline, Regional News, West Region News,