West RMMC holds meetings

EDMONTON – Members of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) West Region Mission and Ministry Council (RMMC) met for their annual in-person meeting at Grace Lutheran in Edmonton from April 11-12.

Rev. Dr. Joel Heck from Concordia Lutheran Seminary presented on “The Art of Asking Questions,” as well as leading a Bible study on hospitality—both topics very valuable to a mission and ministry council.

Rev. Mark Smith, LCC’s Director of Missions, presented on “Calling and Gathering People into the Body of Christ.” His presentation brought the RMMC up to date on LCC’s current international missions and future goals. His presentation also addressed LCC’s domestic missions in Canada. 

David Friesen, LCC’s Director of Advancement, gave presentations on the business side of the synod: challenges, goals, and the role of the RMMCs in the synod. 

The members of the RMMC form smaller working groups (Works of Mercy, Missions, and Outreach; Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry; Finance and Stewardship; Communications and Convocations; and Equipping Leadership), and all had an opportunity to gather at a table to work on ideas and projects together. Meeting together in person only once per year, this time is valuable and productive, instilling new energy and excitement to the work. 

Grace Lutheran, which served as host for the meeting, treated the committee with great care, serving delicious meals with gracious fellowship. Rev. Neil Stern (pastor for English-speaking members), Rev. James Kay (pastor for Nuer-speaking members), and congregational chair David Dyck gave a presentation explaining the transition to a “fluid” service in both English and Nuer, including its challenges, goals, blessings, as well as what they have learned. At Grace there are two cultures worshipping together as one family, brothers and sisters in Christ. It is an example to be recommended and for which thanks should be given to God. 

The RMMCs are working and praying for the congregations in all regions of LCC, and if you would like to learn more about their work, ask your circuit representative (details can be found on LCC’s website).

Sonja Bland 


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: June 26, 2024
Posted In: General, Headline, West Region News,