Worker Benefit Services Board responds to challenges

Multi Employer Pension

Plan Status:

In a major development, after years of work, the Worker Benefit Services (WBS) board was informed at its fall meeting, that the Alberta Pension Regulator had approved the request of LCC to have our defined pension plan designated as a “Non Collectively Bargained-Multi Employer Pension Plan” (NCB-MEPP). This designation clarifies that employers who are participating in the plan are responsible for funding the pension obligations for the church workers that are serving them and/or have served them in the past. The amended pension plan text is available on the WBS website.

While approximately 97 percent of all employers have signed Participation Agreements with LCC, which recognizes our mutual responsibilities as a multi employer plan, the Regulator has indicated they wish to see all remaining participating employers sign agreements or alternatively formally withdraw from the plan, and settle any outstanding obligations no later than December of 2021. This formal designation by the Regulator does not impact or change any of the contributions currently being paid by employers since the “going concern” funding is in excess of 100 percent based on the December 31, 2019 actuarial evaluation. Only employers exercising their right to withdraw from the plan would be required to fully fund their share of the solvency deficit within the five year period required by pension legislation. The pension plan is currently funded 84 percent on a solvency basis.

Dr. Dieter Kays, WBS chair, said: “I am so very grateful that the leaders in our individual congregations have shown their support for the workers that God has called to serve us, by signing these participation agreements. This action by the Regulator is another milestone in clarifying the financial arrangements between the LCC as administrator and the churches as employers.”

Responding to the Mental Health Needs of Members:

We have all read or heard about the incredible toll the prolonged pandemic is having on the mental health of Canadians. Many people are experiencing extraordinary feelings of anxiety, stress and concern during these difficult times—including our church workers. Worker Benefit Services continues to place a top priority on supporting our workers’ emotional and mental well being during these times. While we have had an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EAP) in place for many years, we have strengthened our ability to help during these times.

“This will indeed be a great additional resource to our church workers and Regional Pastors as they proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ during these difficult times.”

Our current EAP is a confidential support service provided by Morneau Shepell, which can assist in resolving all kinds of personal problems and challenges. WBS recognizes the importance of mental health counselling and within the past year, has increased the annual benefit within our Manulife group plan from $500 to $1,000 per person, as well as expanded the coverage to include not only counselling by a psychologist but also qualified psychotherapists.

Recognizing that in these challenging times some workers may still require more help, the WBS board at its last meeting, has established a contingency fund to provide additional support and counselling to our church workers in extraordinary circumstances. This fund will be accessed in consultation with the church worker’s Regional Pastor. While final approval in accessing the fund rests with the WBS board, its decision will be based on the general description of the need with the identity of the worker remaining confidential.

In response to the creation of the new support program, Dwayne Cleave, Administrator of Synod, said: “This will indeed be a great additional resource to our church workers and Regional Pastors as they proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ during these difficult times.”


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: April 19, 2021
Posted In: Headline, National News,